The latest recruit, Zdenka, and two other junior Slayers came over to Xander's table and set down their lunch trays, already deep in an animated discussion. "What I most love about Academy," Zdenka was saying, "is so many womans. At home I have only brothers."
"I know!" replied Lisa. "It's all girls, all the time. Such a break."
Xander took this moment to clear his throat loudly.
"Oh, except you, Xander! But you're different than other guys. You're like, one of us, you know?"
He offered her a sarcastic salute. "Xander Harris: completely one of the girls, ten years running."
"I know!" replied Lisa. "It's all girls, all the time. Such a break."
Xander took this moment to clear his throat loudly.
"Oh, except you, Xander! But you're different than other guys. You're like, one of us, you know?"
He offered her a sarcastic salute. "Xander Harris: completely one of the girls, ten years running."